Baggetupdted2 Kerry Baggett 

It is important as sacred music vocalists that we seek to do all we can to honor the Lord in our music.  These three simple areas are simply the “tip of the proverbial iceberg.”  Each of these areas can be further developed and magnified, and much more could be added to the list.  However, as a guideline for singing, they are necessary, and they can provide a framework for any sacred music vocalist.  Read more…



Bergupdted2 Dr. Jim Berg 

The things that worry you are the things that are the most important to you.  Our anxieties reveal our priorities.  We never worry about things that are important to us.  Make a list of your worries and ask yourself.”  Are the things I worry about priorities to God?”  For example, most of us worry about what we will wear from our priority to be accepted by others.  Read more…




Crawfordupdted2 Pastor Bob Crawford 

Often, as you talk with these individuals trying to comfort them, you yourself are the one encouraged by their confident responses and submissive faith.On the other hand, some people are devastated by personal hardships.  They experience no hope, peace, grace, or consolation.  They certainly are in no position to help others because they are so overwhelmed by their own personal loss and grief.  Read more…




Fisherupdted2 Pastor Tim Fisher 

Maybe it is time for us to consider seeking some medicine for our spirits. How many times during the week do we live in frustration and stress. Society puts us in the shackles of schedules, finances and high job expectations–all of which contribute to anxiety and a troubled spirit. It is high time for us to step back from this rigid pace and give ourselves something to help our worried inner man. Allow me to offer you the cure of music.  Read more…


Harrupdted2 Pastor Brian Harr 

Rather than trusting in the safety of the Savior’s arms, we seek after the amusements of this world, rummaging through the trash heaps of sin, wondering why we’re never filled! But great joy and peace await those who obediently put their complete trust in God and look only to Him for their daily provision. So why is such trust so hard to give? Why do we grope in the darkness trying to find our own way when God is able to lead us in the pleasant pastures of His blessings?  Read more…  


ChrisHartwicksm Chris Hartwick Our culture is teaching us to believe in ourselves; we create our own destinies, we are going to get better, we don’t need God because we are gods in our own way. Really? If I had listened to the culture that told me ” you won’t make it; you’re handicapped: you can’t do it; you’ll get hurt,” I wouldn’t be where I am today. I thank the Lord for giving me a can do spirit and a caring, Godly family that taught me to trust not in myself, peers, or those around me but my Creator.  Read more…   
Huntressupdted2 Rick Huntress The loss of a loved one. A terminal illness. Divorce. A disabling accident. This list could go on, seemingly without end. Many of us have already had our lives touched by a tragedy, and for those of you that have not, you will. My point is not to show that I have a defeatist attitude; however, each of us must face reality. Eventually, all of us will be touched with pain.  Read more…