

Developing a Renewed Mind: Using the Map Method of Meditation


by Dr. Jim Berg


Memorize the Passage


It is important when facing difficult times or temptations to know exactly what God says word for word. Satan was able to gain a toehold in Eve’s life because she did not know exactly what God had said. Eve had a general idea, but that isn’t good enough when dealing with an enemy as deceptive as Satan. A man who can not remember God’s exact words is in danger of “leaning to his own understanding” (Proverbs 3: 5-6)


Analyze the Passage


Study the passage, asking the Holy Spirit to give you a thorough understanding of its message. List the major words in the passage and use an English dictionary to find out the meaning of each word. If possible, look up each word in a Greek or Hebrew dictionary, or check out the meaning for each in Strong’s exhaustive concordance. Once you are sure of each word’s meaning, put the passage in your own words. If you can’t put it in your own words, you don’t know what it means.


Personalize the Passage


Plan concrete ways for change in your life that are consistent with your understanding of the passage. Plans include schedules, details, techniques, steps, and procedures. Ask yourself, “When have I failed to do this in the past? When am I likely to meet a similar situation again? What will be my response the next time I meet this?” Think through the “game plan” thoroughly and before the next temptation. Use the passage in personal prayer to God.


To view Dr. Bergs most recent publications “Changed Into His Image and “Taking Time To Change” please enter here



Dr. Jim Berg may be contacted via Jberg@bju.edu


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